Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > oscar/peas


23 11:31:38

HI i fed my oscar peas like you suggested and  he wriggled and passed a bunch of white things, looked like rice grains.  I was excited because he was passing the waste. but he still has that bend in him and he cant swim naturally. if he relaxes, he floats away to top. What should I do next? please tell me. Hes trying so hard to get relief. He wants one of the "sucker" fishes to help him but they are disinterested. should I get a hypodermic needle and ppuncture the bladder. How So? thank you

Never do that!!  That would kill him.  He is very constipated.  When waste is white it is because he is really really constipated.  Feed him more peas, and buy tetracycline.  Follow the directions on the package, and he will pull through.  Don't forget to remove your carbon, and do a 25% water change before adding the medication.