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Algae OutBreak

23 15:05:06

Hi there. I have a small tank with 3 angel fish and one sucker fish. There are no live plants in the aquarium. Our problem is algae. It is such a problem we are at wits end. We have tried different products to rid the tank. Even a complete water change and cleansing of rocks and decoration has not cured it. This tank is not in direct sunlight. What can we do to ensure the defeat and control of this problem?

Hi Emily,

It sounds like you've done just about everything you can to rid your tank of the algae problem.  However, I do have one last solution you can try for it: a phosphate pad.  You can buy these at your local fish store (regular pet stores don't usually carry them), it'll be around $5 or 6.  It's a cut-to-fit pad that removes phosphates from you water, which cause algae to grow and prosper.  Many times water changes and gravel vacuums and even chemicals will not get rid of all the algae spores in your tank.

The pad is really simple to use, just remove the carbon pad from your filter (I'm assuming you have the type of filter that hangs on the back of the tank with a carbon pad you change out monthly -- if this is not the case write me back and we'll go with Plan B!) and put the phosphate pad in its place for however long the package says.  You'll see your water clear up and algae go away.

Also, make sure you're only leaving the lights in the tank on for about 14 hours a day.  I just turn them on when I get up and turn them off when I go to bed.

You mentioned that you have no live plants in your tank -- this is another thing you might want to consider.  Contrary to popular belief, live plants in your tank actually will cut down on algae growth!  They absorb all the nitrogen necessary for plant growth, leaving the algae with nothing to feed on.  I would suggest some Amazon Swords or some Anacharis.  Both are very hardy, and the swordplant is what angels naturally use as a surface to lay their eggs on.

I hope this will help you, please write back if it doesn't or if we need to go with a different method than the phosphate pad.  Good luck!
