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unactive betta...

23 14:45:59

Hi, I've had my betta for 2 years already and just like 2 weeks ago I've noticed my betta hasn't been eating much.  Before when I dangled my finger at the top my betta would come and swim near the surface antcipating food.  Now it won't even budge even after I put the pellets in the water.  I'm sure it doesn't eat either because I watch all the pellets fall to the bottom of the tank.  After I cleaned his tank just now and released him back into his enclosure it seemed as if he didn't have ANY energy, he simply just sank his way to the bottom... =(

I also notice that in one of the eyes of my betta where the retina used to be there is a a white bubble or white... something... is this popeye's?  I've read in other posts that to treat popeyes you have to get an anti fungus solution while maitaining a water temp of around 26C or 78F.  I don't know if I can get a heater for my tank as it is the store bought tank that holds around 1.84L of water.  

Currently the water temp of my tank is 20C roughly 68F.  Is there anyway to get my fish active again like he once was and to successfuly cure his illness?

Hello Derrick -

What you are seeing is probably pop-eye. An easy way to start treating pop-eye is to add a dose of aquarium salt to the tank, along with a dose of Melafix. This will help to weaken the infection.

You really ought to invest in a heater or lamp for your betta, 75-80 F is the ideal everyday temperature, and low 60's can kill them. They are tropical fish, but most people keep them in room-temperature water (which is way too cold for them to survive at peak fitness.)

I think that if you heat up his environment and add the two things I mentioned earlier, you'll probably see some improvement. If not, Maracyn and Maracyn II are strong medications that can be used as a last resort.

Hope this is useful,
Amber Worman