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Betta sees Reflection

23 14:21:48

I recently received a betta as a pet and I couldn't be happier.  He seems to be content and I haven't had any problems with him. However, in the bowl he is in, he can apparently see his reflection very well because when he gets close to the outer part of the bowl he gets very aggressive.  Is this aggression harmful?  I'm afraid he'll hurt himself/exhaust himself by constantly seeing his reflection.  Will it hurt him and if so, what can I do to help?

Your Betta is seeing his reflection and thinking its another male Betta! Now he's showing off to defend his territory. Its not good for a Betta to constantly be flaring like that, he will get stressed out. It could be the location of the tank, for example when my fish light is on and theres no other lights on my Betta can see his reflection much better, usually during the day he can't because the room is quite bright. Maybe try moving him near a window to help break up the reflections or if you can add some plants around the outside of his tank to help shield him from himself. Also, it may just be a phase, and when he gets used to seeing himself he might just ignore it.