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lovesick Betta

23 11:48:23

I have a male betta in a 10 gal partitioned tank with a female betta on the other side. He is not eating much now that there is a female betta, is this something he'll get over or do they need to be in completely separate tanks where he can't see her? pls advise, thanks

Hi Karen,
Betta fish, male or female must not see each other, and should be in separate tanks.  They get stressed, fear sets in, and they stop eating, get weak, and then disease sets in.  You will have to put one of them in a separate tank, or make a separation in your 10 gallon tank with something that the Bettas cannot see through.  I'm thinking coloured plexiglass, silk plants that would cover a separation, where they would not see each other.  Maybe the Pet Store could help you with this.  They should never see each other except when they spawn, and that's another story!  
Hope this helps