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My Cloudy Tank

23 14:27:12


Two days ago i bought a 11 litre fish tank and two fantailed goldfish. I rinsed all of the ornaments inside the tank aswell as the gravel before i put the water in but the water turned a browny colour a day after i put the fish in. I have used interpet fresh start twice (when i first put all the water in, then again when i done a 25% water change) the fish seem fine, the filter isn't clogged up and the water temprature is normal. Im really worried that it could make my fish really ill.


Hi, kayleigh

By my calculations, 11 liters is about 2.5 gallons. This simply will not do for a goldfish, let alone two. The general stocking rule for goldfish is you need 20 gallons for one, and 10 gallons for each additional fish.

See if the pet store will take them back. You could try getting a betta. They can live VERY happily in a 2.5 gallon.

You also must cycle your tank. Here is a link to a good website:

Let me know if you need any help during your cycling.
