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Beta and pellet eating

23 13:59:10

Ron:  I have the same problem that Kris had when she wrote in to ask about her Beta not being able to swallow his pellets anymore. I am having the same probelm with mine. All of a sudden he cannot seem to swallow his pellets and they get stuck. If I could have Kris' address or if you could pass this on to her I would like to know how her fish is doing now?  I am crushing up my pellets as well but don't want anything to happen to my Beta and want to know if Kris' fish ever recovered or if he is still alive and eating the same way.


Hi Paula,
  The system does not give me people's addresses (for security reasons)  so I can't give you Kris's address.  

  Have you tried soaking the pellets first?  

-- Ron
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