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Tiger Barb Health

23 11:13:40

About a week and a half ago we bought 4 tiger barbs. We are keeping them in a 5 gallon tank with a filter and have been feeding them tropical fish food. 3 of them are fine but one of them has gotten sluggish and it seems that the area around his (or her, can't be sure) mouth has gotten red and swollen. We aren't sure what we should do.

Hello stephen, I noticed this question in the question pool today. I would love to help you. It sounds like the tiger barb definitely has a bacterial infection. If it goes untreated, it will not live and nor will the other ones in the tank as it spreads to them. I highly suggest you go to the nearest pet store and purchase some broad spectrum antibiotic such as those from the Maracyn brand which I always prefer. Dose as it says and keep me updated. Good luck. Feel free to ask me any other questions if needed.