Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > our little guy is going to be ok :)

our little guy is going to be ok :)

23 11:46:52

Lynda thanks to all of your help we really think Oscar is going to be ok!!

He ate for the first time this morning, and his scales are growing back very quickly! most of his cuts and wounds have healed, apart from where the fungus was growing (which is now completely gone!!!) which is also healing quite fast.

He is looking happy again, still not completely himself but we know he will soon.

We cannot thank you enough, I doubt he would have made it if it wasn't for your help. Especially thank you for your quick replies and detailed advice.


Sally (and Oscar)

Sally, this is the best news I have had all day!  I am so happy for Oscar, and I know he will be back to his normal self real soon.  He will forget what happened to him, and he will be happy again.  (Make sure he doesn't get the urge to jump  He was one lucky Oscar!!