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Is my Goldfish ready to lay eggs or is there something else wrong?

23 11:13:48

About 2 weeks ago now I noticed my Gold fish that I have had for nearly 3 years was looking rather plump across the stomach on both sides.  Thinking it was pregnant I did a fair bit of research and am not sure if she is ready to lay her eggs.  There is another fish in the bowl that chases her every now and then and I also think I see the edge of a little clear bubble at the back of the fish located right underneath her tail.  She also seems to stay at the top of the bowl quite a bit, but other than the evenly bulging tummy and staying at the surface (even with clean water) she appears very healthy and still eats.  Is she ready to lay eggs or does she have something else wrong with her?

We'll depending on what typed of goldfish you have, it could. Be normal for yourgoldfish to have a plump belly. Or it could be a bladder infection or some disease. It could also mean that it is ready to lay eggs but for some reason isn't from stress etc. This means a male is present in the tank though. This will be for you to determine since you have been able to SEE the fish for the time you've had it. As for the bubble, you speak of, I don't know exactly what it looks like. It could be what is commonly referred to as KOI POX. Google that, will give you details and pictures to see if that's what it looks like. You say the water is clean, but are the parameters ok, like ammonia, nitrates etc. These being at unsafe levels can cause fish to develop diseases. Your fish could be developing fin/tail rot too with the bubble. I've never heard of the bubble under the tail so, like I said before, you can see the fish constantly and you are the final judge. Its good you have done research too. I hope I helped a little. Good luck. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.