Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > a film on my beta

a film on my beta

23 15:10:32

Hi - I have had my male beta for about 3 months. He lives in a round fish bowl (maybe 4-5L). I cange the water 100% every 2 weeks and 50% on the alternating week. He eats the little Betta Bite pellets. The tank has gravel at the bottom and two plastic plants. Often Bubbles (my beta) sits at the bottom underneath the plant leaves (which Im told is common) - it looks like he's sleeping. Is he?

Over the past few days Bubbles has developed a matt look to himself (rather than shiny). It looks like there is some sort of film on him. Also he has developed a hole in one of his fins that was not there before. I'm starting to worry that he might be sick. ALSO he isnt as interested in his food as before, and his belly looks a little bloated.

I also have one question about beta's and food. On the container it sais 6-8 pellets, 2 times a day. But on internet sites it varies. How much should I be feeding Bubbles? Sometimes he'll eat just one and spit it up. Sometimes he'll eat 6 pellets.

I dont know a lot about fish. This is my first one. (I am heating the bowl up with a lamp too). Could you please tell me if my fish is dying!


Hi Mo;

He needs some medication. If the film is whitish, it is a fungus infection. Use a product called "BettaMax" by Aquatronics. Treat it right away. It is fatal.

If the film is more of a yellowish or gold color, he has a parasitic disease called "velvet". Look for a remedy at your local fish store that treats it.

Change 100% of his water at least once a week. He may be getting weak from dirty water. Without a filter in there it will have elevated ammonia levels that are very harmful to him.

Feed one or two pellets once per day. Most bettas are overfed and get fat. They don't move around very much so they don't need to eat very much. He might also be constipated from overeating. If he stays "fat" offer him a little chunk of green peas to help him get things back to normal. Peas are like a natural laxative for fish.

Warming his water helps a great deal in getting his immune system functioning properly. The light is an excellent idea. Keep up the good work!

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