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Sea Monkeys a food source?

23 14:03:39

So, I was looking around online, and I was bored, when a thought came to me. What the heck are sea monkeys. So I googled it, and it turns out they're a genetically altered brine shrimp.

Now, I know this is going to sound crazy. But I was wondering this. If I raised the sea monkeys, let them mate, then once they had babies scoop out the big ones and feed them to my fish, then repeat; would that be okay? I read that they were an excellent source of protein and found other enthusiasts that do it. But I also ran into people that said not to.

So now I have no clue and am coming to the experts. Can I feed my fish Sea Monkeys? And if I can, would they be a good live food to feed my fish? If not, what would be an easy alternative that would make good live food for a beta, 5 neon tetras and 3 cory cats?

Hi Lance,

You can certainly feed your fish Sea monkeys. Cultures are easy to get going and they provide an excellent resource for live food.

All you will need to do is assure that all live food is fit and healthy before it is fed to your fish. So that means testing the water as religiously as you would your main tank.
