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My beta

23 11:05:22

I have a beta fish who I have had for quite a while now. A few months ago I noticed his stomach was slightly puffy looking. you can only really notice it from the side, it appears as though he ate too much or is constipated, but he's been pooping and I have been feeding him a consistent amount at regular intervals ( 1 pellet at 7;00 AM and 1 at 9:00 PM). But more recently I have noticed his colors become less vibrant and he became lethargic. His water is good, and his stomach is the only part of his body that has changed. I'm not sure what's wrong, and any insight or advice would be helpful. Thanks.

Chloe,   To stop this in the future give him a cracked frozen pea thawed under some water once a week and then remove the shell. This is definitely a swimbladder infection and we need to medicate him ASAP. You need to go to the pet shop and get melafix. It is bacterial infections and is all natural. Right now and a couple times a day I would put him in an Epsom salt bath. Mix a solution of 1 tsp. per gallon for about 10 minutes at least twice a day. Start your pea therapy now do not offer him any other food for a few days. If his scales start to stick out they call it pineconing that is bad. It may have turned to dropsy. If he has no changes in the next couple of days let me know. , Good Luck, Tina