Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Tiger Oscar Pregnant

Tiger Oscar Pregnant

23 13:59:21

QUESTION: I have 2 Tiger Oscars and they both keep twitching and they are digging a small hole in the gravel in the middle of the tank! Every once in a while 1 sits in the hole and it keeps digging more down. Does that mean that it is pregnant or not because it is a little bigger in the belly?

ANSWER: Oscars do not get pregnant.

They lay eggs.

If you see eggs, then you know it was gravid. All there is to it.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Then how do I know when they will lay eggs? I have had them for 1 year now and I hear that they lay eggs when you have had them for a year.

When you see them clear off an area in the tank, and they are smashing into each other frequently. They don't spawn when you've had them for a year, not sure where that's come from. But if they are in a large enough tank they will spawn eventually. Just be patient.
