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goldfish in 10 gallon.

23 11:59:02

right now i have a feeder goldfish that i saved from being eaten by blue gills at my work. today i am going to Petco to get him a ten gallon(with filter) as a home untill spring then i will move him into my pond. will he be okay in the 10 gallon untill spring, he is currently about an inch long. i do know that he should be in a 20 gallon but my mom wont let me get him a bigger tank. (otherwise i would keep him in my room). would he be okay in the 10 gallon untill spring? and should i get him a friend he looks so lonley.

God bless your heart!  He will be just fine in a 10 gallon tank.  He will be in heaven.  You could buy another feeder fish to put in with him.  There is no problem. Buy him the same size as the one you saved.  Usually it is 10 gallons per goldfish.  Seeing as he is so small, and it is only until Spring, it's okay to add another one.  I really feel sorry for those feeder fish too.  I never feed my fish live fish.  There are lots of food on the market, dry, and frozen, to meet the needs of fish.  Like you, I find it cruel to send these fish to their death.  The worse part is, they know they are going to die when you put them in a tank with bigger fish.  It is sad.  
Enjoy your new aquarium, and your little fish.