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GloFish danio fry again!

23 11:32:30

I have two 10 gallon tanks I keep my fish in while I am in my dorm, and back home waiting for me is my fully cycled 29 gallon tank they all frolic in when I get to come home. I have a slew of GloFish (danios), far too much I know for the two 10 gallon tanks I have, but this is the best I can do for now so there is no point in going down that road.

My adult tank has 9 glofish, a little rubbernosed pleco, and 4 very fat cory cats.

My baby tank has around 10(or so) GloFish I raised this summer from an unexpected breeding I didnt find until they were already cute and swimming around. Before this I only had the one 10 gallon, but I broke down and got the babies their own 10 gallon and they are very bright, fat, and happy now. In that tank I have two chubby kuli loaches, a bristlenose pleco, and a golden algae eater. (believe it or not the last two get along great). Oh yes, and there is a pretty blue female betta I had to put in there (I actually thought the male and female could live together back in the day).

All of my fish get along great except my rubberlipped pleco doesnt like the betta and my golden algae eater gets mad when the betta goes near the zuccini. They rarely scuffle, and its never more than the golden running her away.

Anyhow, I've been doing some serious cleaning of both my tanks, heavy duty vacuming(three rounds on the baby tank), and I think I might have sucked out some fry. I have no idea what the danio fry actuall look like though. When I raised my last ones they were already free swimming when I found them. The ones I have now are tiny little worm-like things attached to the side. They wiggle like mad. I feel bad I didnt wonder too much until now, because I've thrown so many away, but these ones are red.

Are these fry?

On a side note, my little rubbernosed pleco is constipated and I'm in a college dorm room, so I dont really have anywhere to get peas...

Hi Kelley,
 The little wriggly things attached to the side are most likely small worms, and not danio hatchlings. Danio hatchlings don't stick to anything and would look like a little blob (the body) with a thin tiny tail wiggling behind it.  The presence of the little worms suggests that you need to do more vaccuuming because they typically only appear when a tank has too many nutrients in it. There is no need to treat the water to get rid of them. Just do more vaccuuuming and water changes, and perhaps ease up on the feeding a little, and the worms should go away on their own.

-- Ron
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