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Pale & sick beta

23 15:11:00

Hello Chris,

I have had my beta for almost 6 months.  I keep him in a warm spot near the pilot light from our heater which, up until now, has kept him very happy and very active.  

In the past few days I have noticed that he seems to be getting very pale.  This has happened all of the sudden and he is much less active than usual.  He is resting at the bottom of his bowl much of the time.  He gets roused up when I come over to check up on him and he is still eating, but I think he is quite sick.  Do you have any advice?

I have heard rumors that our municipal water is changing from having added chlorine to added chloramine, which does not dissipate in the same way.  I need to investigate if this is true.  Could this be part of the problem?

Many thanks for your reply,

Hi Alisa;

Chloramine could be the problem if you aren't using a water conditioner that removes it. It doesn't evaporate like chlorine does, so leaving it out will not help. Only water conditioners will get it out.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins