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7yr old goldfish with ich

23 11:22:35

I have been treating my 7yr old common goldfish for ich the past 9 days with rid ich+, I have increased the temp to 74, am doing daily 25% water changes and he only seems to be sicker.  Yesterday he clamped down after I added the rid ich and stayed that way till this morning after his water change.  He is still clamping down from time to time but he does swim around and he still eats.  I need to find a different treatment.  I am thinking of trying salt.  The poor fella really feels lousy. What are your suggestions?  Thanks for your input.

Hi Kathy,
It takes a while to treat ich.  Ich is a parasite that goes through a weeklong or so life cycle and it takes at least that long to treat and cure it.  Be patient and continue with your treatments.

-- Ron C.
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