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Betta fish and heat lamp?

23 11:32:55

i was wondering; my betta fish is in a smaller type aquarium would it be okay to use a heat lamp to keep the water warm? It keeps getting to cold this time of year.

Hi Alyssa,
No, a heat lamp would only make your water fluctuate, and Bettas stress with these lamps.  Bettas prefer the light of day, and do not do well with lights shining on them all the time.  Stressed fish get sick.  The only right way is to buy a thermostat, and bring the water temperature up very slowly to 82 degrees.  Bring the temperature up ONE degree every two days until you reach 82 degrees.  Bringing up the temperature too quickly would bring death to your fish.  Pet Stores sell thermostats for small tanks, and they are the best to use, to keep your water stable, and you betta well.
Hope this helps.