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My Betta

23 11:00:44

First off, I need to know how to measure my betta so i don't harm him... I also need to know if it is ok for me not to use a filter and heater for his approximately 2.5 gal bowl. And lastly, what SMALL fish would go well with him... Thank you.

No small fish can go with him, sorry. 2.5 gallons is already small for him as Betta's need the usual 5 gallon tank not 2.5 gallons. Bowls are not good for filtration or heating as you will need an in-tank filter and in-tank heater none will fit in the curvage of a bowl. Heating is especially dangerous in a bowl as the heat can get too high and possibly burn or literally boil your fish.

They sell cheap 5 gallon tanks at Wal-Mart if any are near you, 20 US currency for a tank w/ lights + filter and you can buy a mini heater for 10 dollars as well. In a 5 gallon tank some Ghost shrimp would do fine but nothing else.

- Ash