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Fin Rot-I Think

23 14:59:48

I am a beginner at this so there's no telling what I've done wrong. First, I bought a little 5 gal. aquarium and one goldfish about a 1/2 inch long and a black moor about 2 1/2 inches. I didn't know not to do this and I put them right in the aquarium after I filled it up! I didn't even get the chlorine out. Of course about 2 days later the black moor died and now the goldfish is starting to act weird. I bought a 10 gallon tank and set it up and put the chlorene remover in and let it run for 24 hours. I put 1 tspn of table salt for every gallon in. My fish is still swimming backwords and acts like he can't get on the bottom for his food. I'm feeding him corn. He wants to eat, I put it in a straw first and held it under and he went crazy eating it, but eventually it fell to the bottom. I just need to know if maybe I should give it a little more time or if I've already done too much damage. Could you please help me? Thank You

Hi Trisha;

A ten gallon is perfect for one goldfish so that's a good thing. But don't feed him corn. Remove any leftovers and make a 25% water change. There is little to no nutritional value in corn and it may be causing digestive problems. He seems to have a malfunctioning swim bladder. To help him digest and alleviate the constipation that is probably causing his swim bladder to malfunction, feed him peeled green peas and nothing else until he swims more normally. Once he is on the road to recovery, give him a basic goldfish diet but soak the dry food in a little bit of water before you give it to him. A one-minute soak will absorb enough water that he can digest it better. Here is a link to an article on swim bladder problems;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins