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pregnancy overload

23 11:50:17

Hi Will,
I recently started a healthy community about a month ago in a 30 gallon tank. I currently have 2 pregnant ghost shrimp, 1 pregnant neon tetra, and 1 pregnant swordtail. None of my fish are territorial which include: 2 angelfish, 2 loaches, 4 ghost shrimp, 2 neon tetras, 2 glow-lite tetras, 2 emerald corys, 3 algae eaters, and 1 swordtail. I need to know if I should get a breeding trap for each pregnancy, have the shrimp share one, or what? I also have a 2 gallon tank that can be used for breeding and a 12 gallon tank that could also be put to use. Help please (:

          A pet fish lover in need,

Hi Sean,
I don't know about the shrimp but I do know:
Neons are hard to breed; they need lots of work and time and their own tank to breed successfully.

The sword tail will be fine in the trap of the 2 gallon; just remove her when she is done giving birth or she will eat the fry (baby fish).

Good luck!