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pink convict sick/dying?

23 11:32:40

My big male pink convict cichlid Johanus is lying on the bottom of the tank, listless, has been for 3 days. He was like that last week, and I thought it was the end, but then he got regular again for a couple of days, and now he's back on the bottom. I added some salt to his tank, he got a little less listless, but he can't stay off of his side. So I added some pea bits, as I saw in another post.

I've had him for 5 years, and he was big when I got him, but I don't know how old he is. Is he a goner? Is he curable. He is a great fish (well, he beat his wife, but then, don't they all?). How will I know when he's dead from old age, versus a disease? Thanks for your help.


Hi Lisa,
  I strongly suggest you do a 25% water change immediately and then do that again tomorrow and again the day after that.  See if that doesn't perk him up.  

  Is he a goner?  That is very hard to say.  Ascertaining the exact cause of death is very tricky in fish.  I would not give up hope yet.

-- Ron
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