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In how many days?

23 11:10:10

Hi Renee,
Are you 100 percent sure that the female dalmatian molly is pregnant? If so then in approximately how many days will she deliver?

Hi Manahil,

No, I'm not 100% sure it's pregnant, but if she is housed with a male, and they are mating, there are very high chances that she is pregnant.

If pregnant, you will see babies within a month to month and a half.  About every month, or so, they have babies.

I had several females and was getting babies in my aquarium every few days.

Be glad you have one female.  If had more, there would be babies everywhere.  They are very prolific breeders.

Happy fish-keeping.


PS- Here is a video of a Molly giving birth.  You see her roundness?  This is how large they are just prior to birthing.