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why do goldfish jump?

23 14:07:18

hello, my problem is that when i go to change the goldfish bowl water , i put my 3 goldfish in a bucket. As soon as they are in the bucket of water they try to jump out, one in particular which is the smallest goldfish, persistantly tries to jump out. however when i put them back in their goldfish bowl they don't jump out. so i want to know why they jump out the bucket but why they don't jump out the goldfish bowl when they easily could?

John -
First of all, a bowl is WAY too small for even one goldfish - much less three. You need a 50 gallon tank at least for three goldfish. Please either find them a new home or buy a larger tank right away.
Secondly, they are jumping most likely because they are scared/stressed. Whenever you move a fish from one container to another it can be scary for them.