Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > frayed pictus fins

frayed pictus fins

23 11:06:04

Hi.My question is that I've had 2 Pictus catfish in my 55 gallon for about 1 1/2 years now. They've always done really well and I make sure that they get enough food (not that I need to, their ver aggressive about it lol), always been healthy and active.

Then I've noticed that the top dorsal fin (?) on both their backs, are split all the way down like splayed fingers. The rest of their fins and tails are ok, but 1 of them isn't as active as he was. He's still more, which is unusual. He still eats well though.

The tank includes 2 blood parrots, 2 firemouths and a couple of random tetras besides these guys and everyone seems healthy and happy. No one else has a fin problem. I would really appreciate any ideas you might have on the subject. Thanks in advance.

Katie,   Though you do have the parrots they tend to be docile. You also have two firemouths also out of most of the cichlids they can be nippers. Make sure you have lots of hiding spots for your pictus. Also have you done a regular cleaning with a syphon and a bucket. They area bottom feeder so your ammonia , nitrite, nitrate levels highest here. If your not familiar go to your petshop get a syphon (actually in a tank that big the pyhthons work better )they create a suction that empties into a bucket and you don't shake the rocks to much but get that debris out of there. I would assume since you have had them this long you know they need to be 7.0 ph. So either someones picking I bet you parrot or its time for a good cleaning. You have done well with the pictus I have to say they are pretty delicate in the beginning. Good Luck, Tina