Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > HOW TO TRAVEL WITH BETTAS/HOW TO TRANSPORT BETTAS?


23 14:21:54

Hi Melanie..i really need ur help,please..;-) i have 3 male bettas n next month i have to go for 3mths,so i really can't just leave em. it will be a long trip (8-10hrs). would u please tell me how to bring them with me safely? and i would really appreciate a step-by-step guide. thank u very much b4. may GBU.  

The best way you can do this to make it easy and less stressful is to first go out and buy some Stress Coat water conditioner, portable heating pads (Especially if your guys are used to being a tank with a heater) Go to the pet store and ask the guy for some fish bags (the kind you get when you take home new fish) rubber bands, and a small box.

Make sure you do a water change for your fish about a day before you leave. About a half hour before you leave, add some Stress Coat to each tank, this will help ease the fish while they are being transported.

I suggest using bags to transport them because it protects them from being bounced about. Also, I have used 2 liter pop bottles cleaned out with NO SOAP. But because of the time your spending I'd go with the bags.

When you are ready to leave, fill up a little more than half of the bag with each fish's water from their own tank, and add the fish, twist the bag at the top, making sure you leave air in the bag as well. Fold the twisted top over and and tie it up with a rubber band.

Now make sure you get a box thats small enough to hold each fish upright without the bags getting squished. If you have extra room, pack some clothes inside to prevent them from getting sloshed around. Also, you will probably have to slip some paper between the bags so the fish don't see each other.

Add the portable heat packs after activating them, slip them in the bottom or on the sides, and cover the box with a medium blanket. Make sure the box is secure, like on the floor of the car where it wont fall over. Most improtantly, keep them warm and dark. Good luck!