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betta overfed

23 14:12:06

We just started fish sitting yesterday for a friend.  One betta fish in a small filtered tank.  We accidentally gave about 8 pellets for breakfast instead of 4.  2 of us fed him without knowing.  He is very sluggish, is there anything I can do?

Hi Donna,
Yes - don't feed him for at least another 48 hours. By fasting him, you will allow him the chance to digest this massive amount of food.
Remember a fish's stomach is only the size of it's eye, and it's best to do a few small feedings throughout the day rather than one large feeding. Keep a checklist next to the betta bowl with dates and times so your friends will know when he has already been fed.
After the fasting period, if he still looks a little sluggish, you can give him small amounts of shelled peas. This will help aid in digestion.