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Tank setup?

23 14:50:56

I have a 55 gallon fresh water tank wirh 2 BIG Oscars in it. I have a 125 gallon tank that was a Salt water tank laying around. Would it be safe to clean the 125 gallon out and make it a fresh water tank? Or is this a bad idea? Or What can I do or get to make it a safe fresh water tank? Thanks fot your time :)

Hi Mike;

That would be a great tank to use for them. They will love it! Just rinse the tank out well and it's good to go! Throw away all any carbon or fiber media too. If there are ceramic beads or anything like that, it's okay to rinse them well and re-use. Just not carbon, zeolite (white carbon), sponges or cottony stuff. They can absorb ugly things you don't want in your new setup. If the filter is an undergravel type, get a good power filter or canister filter instead and don't use the undergravel at all. Remove it and get rid of it or store it somewhere. Eheim and Fluval make excellent ones. Oscars are far too messy for an undergravel to ever work properly and the gravel will get so dirty the water won't circulate.

Speaking of gravel, don't use what's in the old salt tank. Get new gravel because saltwater tanks usually have crushed coral or other high pH causing substrate. Also get rid of any shells, coral or other decprations you aren't sure of. They would alkalize the water and make the pH too high for your oscars.

Have Fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins