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another two sick fish

23 11:21:07

QUESTION: My angelfish got sick two weeks ago, I started maracyn 2 one week ago. Although they look much better now, one of the fish has a split tail today (he didn't have it before I started the medication). What do you think the problem is? Should I stop the medicine? Thanks!

 The tail split is most likely the result of an attack by another fish.  

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Fish cannot swim upright
Fish cannot swim uprig  
QUESTION: You are right. The tail split was recovered within two days. Now, I have another question. After treating the whole tank with Maracyn 2 for five days, I found almost every fish looked better than before except two. Now, I quarantine these two. Please look at the picture attached.  The first one always hangs around the back the tank, no appetite at all. Sometimes, he swims with his mouth pointing upward.

The second one has some appetite, but not much. The problem is that he cannot swim upright. If you look at the second fish, you can see that he does not swim vertically.

Do they have swim bladder problem? what should I do? (I kept changing water every other day, hoping better water will help).

Thank you!

Hi Jay,
 Judging from the stringy white feces that I see in the photo, I suspect that your fish has an intestinal infection.  The Maracyn should help with that if anything will.  

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>