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feeding fish river minnos

23 15:04:40

Hi, i now have a 37 gallong aquarium filled with cyclids, would it be possible to feed them aome small minnos from the river behind my house?

Hi Michael;

If it were my fish I wouldn't. Wild fish may carry illness or parasites that your fish are not immune to. The wild minnows are accustomed to whatever pathogens they live with every day. Introducing these possible diseases to a closed tropical environment like an aquarium really could be a problem for your fish. In my opinion it's risky.

Pet fish that are used to commmercially prepared foods really don't need to eat live food anyway. They get a better diet with a regular food and if it is a good quality food you know they get the vitamins they need every time. I've found that feeding live fish leaves more waste in the tank too.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins