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mollys, breeding, care,

23 11:44:35

i am just stating a aqurime and i have a eclipse system 12 with a heater set to
and gravle two little plastic plants and two decortive shells. i have put
aqurime salt in there tank and there amoinia and nitrate nitrite levels are
perfect.  3 dalmation mollys. 1 male, 2 female. they are both pregnant and
looke ready to bust. i don't know when i should put them in the breeder trap
or what to do whith the fry. any tips about mollys, breeding, or good tank
mates would be greatly appritiated.

Hi Spencer,
  I would not put any tank mates in there if you want the babies to live.  There is no perfect way to know when to put the female in the breeding trap.  If the female looks "ready to bust" then I would put her in the trap. This is one of those things that you can only learn by experience.   That said, I would err on the side of putting her in too early, because it really doesn't do her any harm to be in there.  If you err on the side of too late, and she gives birth in the main tank, many of the babies will likely get eaten.

-- Ron
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