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Flaking Beta Fish

23 15:04:53

My daughter has had her female beta for about 3 months now.  She shares her tank, with a divider, with her "boyfriend."  Nothing has been changed at all in the way of tank or water cares.  This morning my daughter noticed the tank was cloudy, and the female had 3 different spots of flaking and peeling of scales covering her body and lower fin.  I immediately isolated her from her "boyfriend," and he seems uneffected by her "skin problem."  She is listless and is not at all interested in eating (she usually is eager for her meal).  She just keeps swimming the parameter of her "new home."  Do you have any clue what is causing this "skin condition?"

Hi Peggy;

Skin problems in fish are usually related to water conditions or injury. Bettas need their water changed weekly if the tank has 1/2 gallon or more per fish. It needs to be changed twice a week if there is less than 1/2 gallon per fish. If she has always been alone, it is unlikely to be injury, but it may be infection from bad water quality. Look at your local fish store for a medication that treats infection with the symptoms yours has. Change her water before hand too. It will help her feel better.

If frequent water changes have already been part of their maintenance, you might check the temperature of the water. If it is below 75, get her to a warmer place to get it above 80. This will help her fight off whatever she may have. Higher temperature will also stimulate her appetite. You may still have to use medicine but she will have a better chance if warmer.

Here are two betta sites with good info too;

I hope she feels better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins