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upside down swimming

23 14:24:24

QUESTION: I have a female Ryukin about 2 1/2 years old.  She has recently filled our pond with littleones.  She has stopped laying and the male and female are no longer interested in each other.  Lately she has started swimming upside down,and hiding in the floating plants. she seems healthy with good apetite.  We thought she was still laying because her back end is soo large, looks like she is hiding a large golf ball in there. but she is not laying.  Our water tests fine and the only change was from floating pellits to a light floating stick food.  We have gone back to the pellets.  This bloatedness and upside down swimming concern us.  We have moved her to a tank by her self to keep an eye on her.  Your comments would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you Fran

ANSWER: Hi Francis,
 Is there any chance that the "hiding" was because she was being bothered by the male?   Has this behavior stopped now that she is isolated?

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no, the male was unagressive, Now that she is alone she hides and is upside down all the time.  its almost like her butt is a big baloon full of air floating to the top and she has to struggle to right herself.  Her but must be 2 inches wide that can't be normal.  She is about 3" long (not counting the tail)and 2" high please advise.

Hi Francis,
  She has an internal problem, likely related to her swim bladder.  Sadly, I don't know of anything that you can do about that. Basically it sounds like her swim bladder has filled with air and she has no way to release it.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>