Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > sick gold gourami

sick gold gourami

23 14:01:54

hey today i noticed my gold gourami acting weird, it wouldnt come out to feed, and just wouldnt come out of hiding, i managed to get a look at it and on one side it has a nasty, big bump near its fin. what wrong with it and what can i do?

thanks :)

There is simply not enough details for me to help you in the way you'd like to be helped. How large is the tank, what is your feeding and cleaning routine, how many other fish do you have in the tank and what kind, how old is the tank, etc. The best i can guess on the information you gave me would be either a tumor, or some sort of bacterial/fungal infection. Start doing water changes more often, test your water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, and make sure you have a decent filter on the tank. If a single gold Gourami is all you have, I recommend adding a few more of it's kind so it won't be stressed out from lack of eyes watching it's back. Your tank should be at least twenty gallons. I wish I could help you more, and some of this answer may or may not apply to you, but I can only do so much when I don't have all the right information. It does state on the page where you ask your question to give these kinds of details. If this answer does not give you what you need, please keep in mind that I did not have all the information needed to help you in the way I'd like to. If you still need more info, please ask the question again, but with giving as much detail as possible.
For now, do a large water change, and start using aquarium salt and Lifeguard to get your fish on the road to recovery while we are still trying to figure out exactly what the source of the problem is.