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Firemouth tankmates

23 15:10:28

I have a 55 gallon with 1 firemouth cichlid (about 2 inches) and 1 parrot cichlid (2 inches)plus 4 black skirt tetras and 2 Corydoras Julii.

I can't seem to find any info on other good tankmates for Firemouth cichlids. My firemouth is somewhat nippy but most of the time a pretty good citizen of my tank. I would prefer another 'specimen' type fish to go along with my other fish.

Do you have any experience on good tankmates for firemouth cichlids?


Hi Susan,
 Firemouths, like most cichlids, don't really make good tankmates for anybody, other than other cichlids and catfish. The best tankmate for him would be a female firemouth.  However, that would not be ideal for the tetras, whose days are numbered in my opinion in any case.  He will likely leave the catfish alone and the parrot may be okay but my guess is that the tetras will slowly go missing one by one.

-- Ron
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