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whats eating my swordtails tail

23 14:13:22

Hi Trish, I ave a 30gal tank with 3 zebra danio,3neon tetras, 2 gourami,2male swordtails and 2 female, which i think one of them may now be preggers, anyhow my question is that I have recently noticed how my red swordtails tail is now missing and his rear fin is looking very raggedy like something is eating it, he seems fine swims and eats like normal but i just need to figure out what is going on with him, do you have any ideas?

It sounds as if your fish has fin and tail rot and you need to treat it quickly.  I would buy TETRACYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE to treat it. This usually starts to happen from poor water conditions.  IF you are not cleaning your tank and doing partial water changes weekly, or at least every week and a half, you need to start.  I would treat this fish in a hospital tank, UNLESS your other fish look sick in any way, then I'd treat the whole tank.

In any event, this IS catchy and it DOES need to be treated quickly.  There are plenty of medications at the fish store that you can purchase to treat this, but make SURE it's for the treatment of Fin & Tail rot.

If I can help you any more along the way, please get back to me.

Good luck!!  ;o)