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23 13:58:05

Hi I have a new tank for about 2 weeks now and it is 29 gallons. I have 2 silver mollys 2 black mollys 1 electric blue hap 1 tiger Oscar and 1 angel fish 7 fish total. my filter is a aqua tech 20-40 filter. I change my water every other day about 25%.  Ok now my question is that my electric blue hap has been scratching the last few day on the gravel and i have noticed a pinkish bump on my female silver molly and she is a week pregnant.  My male silver molly his end of his tail fin is starting to turn black. and my tiger Oscar is developing a white spot on his side.  I have noticed all this change over the last week and i don't like it please help

Hi Steven,
 You have put a lot of fish into a new tank.  A tank takes awhile (about 6 weeks) to cycle so until that time (and perhaps now longer) you are going to have problems.  You really can't rush these things.  In the meantime, keep doing partial water changes every few days. That will help keep the ammonia down that is going to build up very soon.  

-- Ron
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