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betta swimming sideways

23 11:29:51

QUESTION: hello,
i have a crown betta in a one gallon tank who, for the past week has been swimming sideways and floating on the surface of the water. when i first noticed his behaviour i tried researching it myself and found that it may be due to intestinal gas. i immediately moved his tank to a warmer spot (since it previously used to be in an air conditioned room) added some salt to his water and tried feeding him a boiled green pea (which he refused to eat). none of this has worked....can this problem resolve on
its own??? what else can i try??
background : i change 2/3 his water every week. there used to be a small live plant in the aquarium but i took it out (and a week later he became symptomatic) could there be a link between taking out the plant and fluffee (my betta) becoming sick???

ANSWER: Hi Jehan,
Bettas should be kept in heated five gallon tanks or more.  The betta is a tropical fish, and needs stable heated water.  Under 80 degree water, the betta will get sick, and his life will be cut short.  When bringing up the temperature for fish, this must be done very slowly.  One degree every two days, as bringing up the temperature too quickly can cause death.  Fluctuating water is very bad for fish, so you need a thermostat to keep his water at the same temperature always.
The problem will not resolve itself on it's own.  Fluffee is showing signs of Swim Bladder Disease to which the Betta is prone.  Since he will not eat the pea, you will have to medicate him.  Kanamycin is very good for Swim Bladder, but it is sometimes hard to find.  If you cannot find it, buy Tetracycline or Furan-2.  This disease, if left untreated, will lead to dropsy to which there is no cure. Medicate him as soon as possible, follow the directions on the package, and be careful not to overdose.
Bettas should have varied diets, and should be fed 2-3 times a day in small amounts.  Example" 2 pellets, or two flakes for one meal.
Daphnia is very important in a Betta's diet.  It helps his digestive system.  Other foods are:
Betta Pellets
Betta Flakes
Plankton flakes
Frozen Brine Shrimp
To keep your betta healthy, he must have variation in his diet.  The more you vary, the healthier he will be.  Bettas, and all fish find their vitamins in different food, much like us.
Little information is given on bettas, and lots of Bettas are mistreated.  This is not your fault, but fault on the vendor who is there to sell, and doesn't care of the Betta's well being.  In the betta's habitat, the water may be shallow but they have lots of room to swim.  Keeping bettas in small bowls, tanks, vases etc.  is cruel.  He must have a silk plant in his tank where he can rest on the leaves, and some little toy that he can go through.  We take them out of their home to put them in ours, the least we can do is make their life happy.  The myth that bettas can live in small tanks, is only a myth.  He may live, but not for long.  A well kept betta will live up to 7 years, and sometimes more depending on the age he is when you buy him.  Heated water is very important.  Under 80 degree water, the betta is cold, and lives a miserable life.  So many gadgets are sold for this fish, it just turns my stomach over.  The Betta is a money making machine, but once you know how to care for him the right way, he will be your friend for a very long time.  Bettas are so smart, it is amazing!
I hope this helps.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: one thing i should have mentioned also is that i live in the Caribbean (Trinidad to be precise) and the weather here is pretty hot....would this negate the need to warm his water??

If the water in his tank is not fluctuating, and is always at the same temperature day, and night, and is around 80 degrees then no, you would not need a thermostat, but his water must be always the same temperature.  A small drop in temperature during the night, and then warms up during the day could be fatal.  His water must be stable.  Never heat his water with a lamp or light, or put him in the sun, this is not good.  His water must be always the same temperature, and only a thermostat can guarantee that all levels of his water are the same temperature.