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Bettas Eating Habits

23 14:27:07

I have a male and female Betta in a divided 2.5 gallon tank. I feed them every night at 6 pm (I used to feed morning and night, but the female got ridiculously plump so I cut it down). I have noticed, though, that the last couple nights my male, Elmo, has not been eating the pellets I offer him. Either he ignores them, or bites them and spits them out. He seems to be quite healthy, I am just concerned that a continuation of this behavior will start to affect him. Any suggestions on what I should do?

(P.S. The female has no problems with her appetite whatsoever. She even leaps and splashes to create little tides and brush Elmo's uneaten food over to her side so she can get at them. She's a very clever little piglet. :P)


Truthfully, he's probably bored of pellets. I would suggest feeding him Freeze Dried Blood Worms or Brine Shrimp, when my Betta did this exact thing, Blood Worms cured the problem on the spot.

He will get spoiled though, luckily they don't cost anymore than normal fish food!
