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My Betta Again

23 15:06:49


Thank you for your advice. I just bought a product called Rid-Ich+ and hopefully it will do the trick. It is a saltlike spot, but just much smaller. Yesterday I noticed that he just like of lays in one corner. Today I went out and got the treatment. I'll tell you what happens in a couple of days if you'd like. :)

Oh, and my other fish is a Long Finned Serpae Tetra. I wanted to get some more different fishes, but then I want to get my Betta fish a girlfriend.

Thank you again.

Hi Jay;

Mr. Betta needs more heat, about 78 to 80 degrees. It is not good that he is so still. He may also be getting chased or simply stressed out by the tetra. Serpaes are fin nippers. Tetras also should be in groups. They keep happy by being with their own kind. You'll need a bigger tank for sure!

It is not a good idea to keep a female betta in with a male betta. The male will try to kill the female once he breeds with her, or if she isn't ready to breed he will just kill her. Here are two sites to help you that tells all about it if you decide to try;,%20Breeding%20basics.htm

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Chris Robbins

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