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Goldfish/red underneath

23 14:01:22

We recently moved and I had my goldfish in a 45gal tank.Upon moving I set up my 75 gal tank about 5days ago. All the goldfish(11)seemed fine until today. I noticed they are sitting on the bottom of the tank when I went to feed them several of them swam to the top and I noticed they had red bellies,and redness at their fins and gills.They seem to eat ok and occassionally swim around. I am thinking of setting up my old tank and putting 5? back n there. I have had my fish for over 4 yrs,fancy tails as
well as bubble eyes, and some regular goldfish. many are ocer 6 inches long.I would be very upset to loose my fish.
Please help thanks.

ANSWER: Hey Susan

They have just moved to a different tank so they are feeling a bit weird.  Give them time and they will settle down but check PH, ammonia etc aswell.

Yes moving 5 will be fine.  Move 5 small ones.  That should even things out a bit and make life more comfortable!

Good Luck And Hope This Helps          Jack

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: its a been several days. My Goldfish are still sitting on the bottom of the tank. Every other day I have removed 10 percent of the water. the fish are ok after that for about an hour then they settle down onto the bottom. some redness remains although it has started to clear up.They are gulping a bit. They  do come up to eat.but then return to the bottom.  Any suggestions would be helpful thanks.

Hey again Susan

If they are eating then thats a good sign.  I think they just need a little more time to settle down.  It is like when you get a new fish, it eats fine but rests on the bottom as it needs to settle down then a few weeks later it is fine, swimming round and eating.

Hope this helps and Good Luck      Jack