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Moving cross country with two Betas

23 14:01:22

I have actually become attached to my two Betas; a big blue male and a bright salmon pink female.  They recognize me as their "feeder", beg for food and I swear, to get my attention they flash their gorgeous colors.  In a couple months we are moving from California to Baton Rouge by car, a two day drive.  I wonder how to move my fish.  I could give them to relatives and buy new ones but I kinda like these,  Suggestions?

Hey Mark!

Right i would get hold of a cooler box and put the tank water in that and put the fish in.  Put plants in to keep the fish calm.  As they are labyrinth fish, they can survive with out a filter so don't worry about filtration.  Just keep calm and enjoy the journey!

Have a nice trip and hope this helps!         Jack