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Mollies and Dwarf Frogs

23 14:23:34

Hello Trish,
I have one orange molly, one black molly, a king snail and an african dwarf frog. I just bought the black molly today and upon researching information on his white spots i read that they do best in a tank with one teaspoon of salt per 5 gallons. I have been looking everywhere i can to see if adding the salt will affect my dwarf frog but i cannot find anything mentioning that specific water conditioning criteria. Do you know if the salt will harm him in any way?
Thankyou for your time.

Hi Gina.  Salt in small doses will be okay with your frog. BUT, if you are going to use more than 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons of water you might want to remove the frog, and you said you were. So you have 2 choices....either move the frog or move the fish.  Do you have a hospital tank set up? If not, you should consider doing this, it comes in handy at times (like this).  Get a 2 1/2 gal. or 5 gal. and save it for times like this, you'll be thankful.

I don't see that you have any other options then the above.  And remember, Ich hates salt, but you may have to treat it with something other then salt, depending on the severity of it.  Just keep a watchful eye.

If I can help you out any more, let me know.  Good luck!!