Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > cleaning


23 14:38:31

can i use windex to clean the inside of my empty fish tank and put my fish back in the tank afer i refill it or will it kill the fish.

Hi Ty;

Don't ever use cleaners, detergents or soaps of any kind on the inside parts where it can come in contact with the water in the tank. Even a little bit of residue can easily kill your fish.

For cleaning stubborn stains I use a paste of baking soda and water. Scrub with some on a new paper towel and rinse it out well before using. Vinegar works for mineral deposits. You can use it straight by soaking a new paper towel in it and rubbing. Just rinse well before refilling the tank. They both rinse away. But, cleaners, soaps and detergents can absorb into the sealant and plastic parts and leave their residue on the glass.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins