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beetle looking bugs in my tank

23 11:07:27

I have a 55 gallon fish tank with loaches,angels,barbs and a black ghost fish. Recently I have noticed that there are tiny black bugs that have antennas and look almost like a beetle. They hang out right above the water on the side of the fish tank. They are NOT the little worms you get from over feeding. Do you have any idea what these bugs are or if they will harm my fish? We have invested a lot of time and money and i would hate for these to kill my fish!

Hi Amber,

I don't recall the name, but if they're a bit like fruit flies, they are a hatch of midges common in aquariums in the USA and it's sad, but they are considered sometimes to be poisonous to fish who eat them.  It would take several to do damage.

Please take a napkin and go along the edge and wet it first with vinegar to remove them.  Then, vacuum the area, and just keep an eye out.  Every day remove what shows up and eventually they do hatch and move on.

Might consider a water change. :)