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Yellow/ orange spots on my angels and frogs

23 14:46:38

I have a 29 gallon tank and i have two angel fish in there, 1 paradice, and two african clawed frogs.
I noticed my black and white angel was turning orange, and my white angel was turning orange. So i started treating them with a anti fungus medicine called melafix. It hasn't been working and they are getting brighter orange and it is spreading on them. I noticed my green african clawed frog now has an orange spot on him....and they do not change colors. I don't know what to do. We don't have a pet store here.

Hi Andrea,
  Hmm... it may not be anything wrong. Many angelfish develop orange patches as they get older.  Is there any chance you could send me a photo of the fish.  Send it to the address below.

-- Ron
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