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Sick jaguar cichlid?

23 14:14:43

Hi Tina i have a female jaguar cichlid roughly 6 inches in size, she behaves normally whilst i am out of the room bout will dart into a cave and refuse to eat etc if anyone is in the room, i have had her for roughly 6 months and the problem has not sufficed she also acts normally when the room is dark with the tank lights off . Many thanks Mat.

Mat,                                                         She may just be having a maternal instinct. This is what they do when they have made a burrow and laid eggs.Since you haven't seen any babies she probably has none. This might just be her disposition. Unfortunate , but you know how us females can be. Very protective. As long as she is eating, I wouldn't worry much. I know you would like to enjoy her more, but what can ya do. Good Luck,Tina