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My little Black Shark

23 11:52:20

I got the little black shark a couple months ago and fell for him. I have decided to let go of all my little danios, guppies, white clouds, tetras ect. in my 55 gallon tank to keep him. He's grown already about half an inch. so he is about 1 and a half inches total. He leaves everyone else alone so far. I intend to get a 120gal for him in 6months to a year. (I hope that is soon enough.) my question is- I really like Oscars and Jack Demseys. I have had many Oscars that did well alone with a pleco in my 55gal. (the little fish in big tank was a new experiment) It turns out I like the big fishes.
So, can I have an Oscar or Demsey with him? If yes, should I get a baby one to grow up with the shark in the 55 gal or wait? Once the little fish are gone he will be alone, not that I think he would mind but he seems to do well with others so far. (I keep reading horror stories of killer Black Sharks and be careful of what roommates you put with them) Anyways, any advice would be super appreciated. Thanks for your time.   Liz

Hi Elizabeth

The Black Shark should be fine with both Oscars and Jack Dempseys. Black Sharks should be kept as singles as they are territorial, and aggressive toward each other. They should be provided rocks and caves in order to stake out a territory. They should only be kept with larger more aggressive fish. I have one in a larger tank with large Cichlids that has an Oscar, Jack Dempsey, and Firemouth Cichlids. The fish you get should be larger than the Black Shark. Black Sharks will harass and may even kill smaller and slow moving fish. And I would get the 120 gallon much sooner than you plan to.

Hope this helps, good luck!
