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follow up on dying pearlscale and my frustration.

23 15:02:55

Dear Chris,

many thanks for your previous suggestions about my dying pearlscale few days ago.

I did all I can to save it, I did water change 15% everyday, but sadly, it seems it couldnt make it. Now the fish floating on its side on the top of my tank, dying. I guess I just have to let it go.

As you said, my new tank is too full of ammonia, it hasn't passed the 8 weeks period and too many fishes there before, that's why the fishes dying and got ich problem. (in case you forget about my previous email)

I bought 2 zebra danios yesterday and put em in my small fishbowl (less than 2 litre). I know this is very naughty but I couldnt stand of my dying fishes in my 5 gallon tank. I thought this time I will do exactly as instructed (not feeding too much, start with 2 small fishes)

But now since the pearscale is dying, I thought I will move this 2 danios to 5 gallon tank and start from scratch.

My question is, should I throw all the water, wash the gravel, wash the filter, and start from scratch? ( the water in that tank is already got white spot cure in it, there had been 7 fishes died there in 1.5 month)

I thought maybe I should start from new fresh water for a new beginning. ( or at least put water from my 1 litre bowl and top up the rest with fresh new water).

The second question is, will it help to put filtered water inside the tank? (i.e Britta drinking water filter)

Looking forward to your reply, and again, thank you for your help.  

Hi Pauline;

So sorry to hear he is doing poorly. That's a shame.

I think it would be a good idea to clean it all out and start over. Gently rinse the gravel with water that is aproximately the same temp as what was already in there. The goal here is to get rid of the crud in there without killing all the beneficial bacteria. It will help your new fish avoid a more serious break-in. Filtered water isn't going to make any difference. Fish really don't need their water that clean. Just using a water condtioner with straight tap water is fine.

It would not be a good idea to use the bowl water in the tank at all. The bowl water will be full of ammonia and you certainly don't want that in the new tank. There really isn't anything good about the bowl water so just dump it. To keep the new fish healthy while you wait for the other one you will have to change all the bowl water every day. It is much too tiny for them to survive if you don't. Ammonia will be too concentrated and it will burn their gills, eyes and skin. Daily changing should minimize that.

Hoping for great success in your new start.........

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins